Tuesday 10 December 2013

Moodboard: Midnight Run - Example

Moodboard: Midnight Run by Example

The music video shows example going on a road trip after sinking in the bath tub and waking up in a spring. The video finishes under the northern lights. The midnight run title could be used to resemble the idea of the guy founding with a brief case with something within and that he’s trying to outrun the guy on a bike.

The genre of the song is a mix of light dubstep and a slow house beat with the lyrics spoken at a range of speeds.

The target audience for this is for people who enjoy listening to: house, light dubstep, possibly rap and people who enjoy listening to examples unique twist on the song’s beat.

With this moodboard I tried to show the different aspects within the song like the lyrics and its metaphors.  Clearly when he was talking about midnight run I chose two images that would represent this which was a full moon and a person running but then I decided to listen more into the lyrics and it says ‘Got a couple of skeletons in my closet, couple of skeletons in my bed,
Couple of skeletons in my wallet, couple of skeletons in my head’. Clearly he has something to hide so I chose the image to be a load of bones that have fallen out of the closet. The other half of the background is a still shot from the music video to the song. I used this because midnight run might have two different means ‘a midnight jog’ or where someone is driving away from everything that they have, the expression on example’s face shows anger which enhances the feeling in the still frame.

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