Tuesday 10 December 2013

Moodboard: Changed The Way You Kiss Me- Example

Moodboard: Changed The Way You Kiss Me - Example

The music video shows example going to a gig and then consists him performing and jumping into the crowd. The music video is shot in black & white the whole time.

The genre of the song is a mix of techno and house. Techno because of the electronic keyboard. It has a maintained fast beat throughout the song.

The target audience for this song is for people who: go clubbing, listen to house and other types of music like this.

In this moodboard it shows people in a club which is the type of music that you’d expect this to be played at. The idea of someone flying is from the lyrics ‘I've never been afraid of the highest heights,
Or afraid of flying now’. The reason behind having the lips on random people is that people in clubs sometimes try to kiss others and some may end up cheating, which might cause them to feel guilty and change the way they act with they’re other half. This could make them change the way they kiss them.

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