Tuesday 10 December 2013

Write Up for Vinyl Back Cover

I started with a image from google of Example.

To make it reflex I flipped the original image then I recopied the original image.

I got an image of one of Example's logos which happened to be yellow blackground and black text. I used the magic wand tool to remove the yellow from the image then fitted the logo so that it fits inbetween the two faces.

Next I created the song list which is on every back cover for any album. First I had to find out which songs I was going to have on this album so I researched 6 songs and the length of the songs since the maximum amount of time on a 12" vinyl is around 20-28 minutes including both sides. So what I did was look at his biggest hits and tried to fit the top six.

Finally most items have a barcode so I looked up for one on google and inserted the image. To make it the right size I locked the shape so that it isn't stretched and fit it in the bottom right hand corner.

Write up for Vinyl Sticker

I made the background black like the vinyl then I started with the eclipse tool and made it a circle by making sure that the two dimensions were the same. Then I made it bigger but had to use the link tool so that the dimensions stayed the same.
To make the smaller circle I did the exact same as the first stage but made the smaller cicle black instead of white.

I got an image from google with Example in a concert. I put the image in the correct place then made the image invisible. I selected the white circle layer and made the image invisible then used the quick selection tool to select the area I want then I made the image visible again then selected that layer. After selecting that layer I copied it to create the image that will fit and also creating a new layer. Deleted the original image and made the black small circle the top layer.

To get the Example logo, I copied it from the front cover and made it smaller with the same dimensions

The final part is the text. To create the text I used the text tool and created a big enough box that will fit the 6 songs that would feature on the vinyl. I included the track, name of the song and the length of the song so that it looks professional and so that the user has knowledge of the length of the song.

Moodboard: Changed The Way You Kiss Me- Example

Moodboard: Changed The Way You Kiss Me - Example

The music video shows example going to a gig and then consists him performing and jumping into the crowd. The music video is shot in black & white the whole time.

The genre of the song is a mix of techno and house. Techno because of the electronic keyboard. It has a maintained fast beat throughout the song.

The target audience for this song is for people who: go clubbing, listen to house and other types of music like this.

In this moodboard it shows people in a club which is the type of music that you’d expect this to be played at. The idea of someone flying is from the lyrics ‘I've never been afraid of the highest heights,
Or afraid of flying now’. The reason behind having the lips on random people is that people in clubs sometimes try to kiss others and some may end up cheating, which might cause them to feel guilty and change the way they act with they’re other half. This could make them change the way they kiss them.

Moodboard: Close Enemies - Example

Moodboard: Close Enemies by Example

This song talks about having your enemies closer than your friends. The music video features a woman who changes from being alive to being a zombie which could mean that the women is the enemy but is the one that he’s close too.

The genre of the music is a mix of a dubstep/house beat with fast spoken vocals (little bit of rap) and slower vocals.

The target audience for this song is for people who go clubbing, listen to example or listen to either of these genres; light dubstep, house, rap or anything like these genres.

I tried to make my moodboard show what I thought about the song. The image in the middle is an image from the music video which shows the idea of keeping your enemies closer. I chose the background to be in a tunnel because the song felt very dark and what better place than a tunnel since it only have two ways to go, towards the enemy or turn and run. ‘Smile = trouble maker’ I thought of from hearing the actual lyrics Your smile should've told me you're trouble’

Moodboard: Midnight Run - Example

Moodboard: Midnight Run by Example

The music video shows example going on a road trip after sinking in the bath tub and waking up in a spring. The video finishes under the northern lights. The midnight run title could be used to resemble the idea of the guy founding with a brief case with something within and that he’s trying to outrun the guy on a bike.

The genre of the song is a mix of light dubstep and a slow house beat with the lyrics spoken at a range of speeds.

The target audience for this is for people who enjoy listening to: house, light dubstep, possibly rap and people who enjoy listening to examples unique twist on the song’s beat.

With this moodboard I tried to show the different aspects within the song like the lyrics and its metaphors.  Clearly when he was talking about midnight run I chose two images that would represent this which was a full moon and a person running but then I decided to listen more into the lyrics and it says ‘Got a couple of skeletons in my closet, couple of skeletons in my bed,
Couple of skeletons in my wallet, couple of skeletons in my head’. Clearly he has something to hide so I chose the image to be a load of bones that have fallen out of the closet. The other half of the background is a still shot from the music video to the song. I used this because midnight run might have two different means ‘a midnight jog’ or where someone is driving away from everything that they have, the expression on example’s face shows anger which enhances the feeling in the still frame.

Monday 9 December 2013

Write up for Front Cover of Vinyl Cover

This is the Original image that I started with.

I put it into Photoshop then adjusted it to black and white using the black & white tool in image - adjestments - black & white. As I'm going along I made every layer multiply, which is on the right hand side.

In order to get the kiss on his face, I created a copy of the original image then used the lasso to go around the kiss, copied the selected area, deleted original image, used the quick select tool and the eraser to remove anything that was on the layer that should be there.

To get the darken area i used a copy of the original image and cropped out the t-shirt. Turned it to black & white then increased the threshold (image - adjustments - threshold).

I reused the t-shirt that I cropped earlier and created an extra layer with is in. In that layer I played around with a few of the effects in the adjustment section (image - adjustment), some of them include vibrance, channel mixer, exposure and hue/saturation.

In order to do the lips on the t-shirt I had to crop each and every lip on his top. To do this I made a layer for each lip and cropped them from the original image using the lasso, quick select tool and the eraser. So that I know how they look on the t-shirt, I started with them in black & white so that they contrast with the pinky t-shirt. From there I merged all the layers to make one and to get the lips the same colour. To make the colour I used a range of effects in the adjustment section which include: vibrance, hue/saturation, channel mixer, brightness/contrast and colour balance.

To get the Example logo I used an image from google and swapped the colours; the black was white, the white was black. So to do it wasn't too hard because all I had to do was invert it (image - adjustments - invert).

To get the title 'changed the way you kiss me' I found another image which had the same text that Example would normally use and cropped the letters out to finish off my front cover for my vinyl cover.