Wednesday 27 November 2013

Write up for Pop Art

start by taking a photo of yourself
import it into photoshop
go to image - mode - black & white
then go to image - adjustments - levels and edit the levels until you get a big enough difference between hair,skin and a white background
after doing that go back to image - mode - RGB colour which will flatten the image

duplicate the image so then you can edit each feature in a seperate image

change the setting of the image so that instead of being normal, change to multiple so that the layers sit on top of each other

I started on the background and simply used the bucket tool and made the background red. I made only made one layer visible at a time so that the other layers don't distrack me

to do the lips i used three versions of the colour yellow and layered them to show which areas of the lips which be brighter or darker
to do the eyes I made the pupils a purple colour along with a green on the rest of the eye
with the clothing i used two different colours to give the clothing a better effect.

i started to add the other layers in one by one so i can see how they affect each other

the image above is my final result. i don't think that it looks too bad but i can no longer see the purple in the eyes and the clothes are darker then i thought it would be. the hair has turned completely black too so it doesn't show any detail.


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